Privacy Policy for promises to protect your privacy and keep information secret. Made for grown-ups, teens, and families to talk about important topics of teen rules and relationships nowadays, we care for what our users think. We keep them safe and protect their information too. Please see the privacy notice below for It tells you what information we collect and how it is done.

For questions or concerns about this statement, contact us at

  1. Information Collection does not collect personal information about you.

Cookies may be used to deliver content of interest and ensure password safety in our forums. Your IP address may be used to troubleshoot chat server issues, but it is never shared.

  1. Ads and External Links

External ads on may use cookies, but we have no access to that information.

We are not responsible for the privacy commitments or content on linked web pages.

  1. User Information does not disclose any user information, whether in chat rooms or other areas.

Users are advised not to share personal information in chat rooms.

  1. Website Privacy Policy

When you use, you agree to the gathering and using of information as it says in this Privacy Policy.

  1. Changes to the Privacy Policy

We have the right to change the Privacy Policy anytime we want without telling anyone. Keep an eye on this page for changes.

  1. Information Collected Automatically

Technical information may be collected automatically when you connect to This is not personally identifiable information and includes browser type, operating system, and linked website domain.

  1. Privacy for 18+:

Your personal info is collected if you willingly provide it. We don’t sell, rent, or share it.

  1. Kids Privacy:

Our rules extend to kids; we’re extra careful. No info is knowingly collected from under 18s.

  1. Website Usage:

Use our site for personal use, not commercial. No posting of illegal, threatening, or harmful content. We own copyrights and trademarks.

  1. Disclaimer:

Using is at your risk. No guarantees on material accuracy or timeliness.

  1. Indemnification:

You agree to protect from any violations of our rules. We appreciate it.

  1. Links

We are not responsible for websites linked to Linking is at your own risk.

  1. 13. Software Export Controls

Downloading software from must comply with U.S. Export Laws and your resident country’s laws.

  1. 14. Severed Provisions and Entire Agreement

If any provision is unenforceable, it is severed without affecting the remaining provisions. This constitutes the entire agreement.

For any inquiries, contact We may modify these terms at any time, so please review them periodically.